There are many tests that can be performed during pregnancy for your health and your baby’s health. You also have the rights to ask for a test to be done or the rights to refuse a test to be performed.
One of the recommended tests is Full Blood Examination detects levels of important cells types in blood, blood haemoglobin level and Platelets level (such as example below. It was taken during my pregnancy of Mastura):

However, during conceiving Adam and Syafiah, my hemoglobin level dropped to 9.3g/dL and 9.7g/dL each. Hemoglobin is the iron-containing pigment of the red blood cells. Its function is to carry the oxygen from your lungs to your tissues. If your hemoglobin is low, it causes anemia, and your tissues do not receive enough oxygen to carry out their functions. For example, your brain needs oxygen to be able to direct the nerves to do their functions. Think of it as the fuel for the brain, which is command central for the body. If tissues do not get oxygen, they die, or shut down. All of your organs need oxygen, you can't survive without it.
Only severe anaemia could cause complications during pregnancy, so it is best to start having iron-rich foods like green vegetables, spinach. At some point, usually in the fourth month or so, the doctor will start you on a daily iron supplement.
I didn't know what went wrong with my diet during my pregnancy. I love to eat spinach, methi, apples, cabbage and bananas, all of which are rich in iron, but still the result wasn't improving much. *Saya ni herbivor orangnya, suka makan makanan hijau*.
I even took the iron pills.
Do you have this kind of experience? Any advise to increase the Hb level? Mind to share it with us, especially to pregnant women out there?

p/s : Saya ni dah la low Hb, low BP pun ye jugak...
One of the recommended tests is Full Blood Examination detects levels of important cells types in blood, blood haemoglobin level and Platelets level (such as example below. It was taken during my pregnancy of Mastura):

However, during conceiving Adam and Syafiah, my hemoglobin level dropped to 9.3g/dL and 9.7g/dL each. Hemoglobin is the iron-containing pigment of the red blood cells. Its function is to carry the oxygen from your lungs to your tissues. If your hemoglobin is low, it causes anemia, and your tissues do not receive enough oxygen to carry out their functions. For example, your brain needs oxygen to be able to direct the nerves to do their functions. Think of it as the fuel for the brain, which is command central for the body. If tissues do not get oxygen, they die, or shut down. All of your organs need oxygen, you can't survive without it.
Only severe anaemia could cause complications during pregnancy, so it is best to start having iron-rich foods like green vegetables, spinach. At some point, usually in the fourth month or so, the doctor will start you on a daily iron supplement.
I didn't know what went wrong with my diet during my pregnancy. I love to eat spinach, methi, apples, cabbage and bananas, all of which are rich in iron, but still the result wasn't improving much. *Saya ni herbivor orangnya, suka makan makanan hijau*.
I even took the iron pills.
The main role of iron in the body is in the red blood cells. Here it combines with a protein to form a substance called haemoglobin. When we breathe in, oxygen in our lungs is attracted to the iron in haemoglobin and combines with it to form oxyhaemoglobin. This is transported around the body by the blood cells, and oxygen is released wherever it is needed to allow the conversion of carbohydrates (sugars) into energy. This is why blood in the arteries is bright red, whereas blood in the veins (which return blood to the heart and lungs for a further dose of oxygen) is darker in colour.
Lack of iron in the body is known as iron deficiency. It is easy to see how such a deficiency can cause a general lack of energy, and tiredness.
Iron deficiency can be due to inadequate amounts of iron in the diet and body stores, or to insufficient numbers of blood cells. The latter occurs after blood loss or when the production of blood cells is not working properly. When there is an inadequate amount of blood cells the condition is called anaemia.
Do you have this kind of experience? Any advise to increase the Hb level? Mind to share it with us, especially to pregnant women out there?
p/s : Saya ni dah la low Hb, low BP pun ye jugak...
Ferrous Sulphate tablets and Vitamin C tablets should be taken with doctor's advise.
Intra Mascular Iron Injection can also increase low himoglobin to high.
RK Khatri
Ferrous Sulphate tablets and Vitamin C tablets should be taken with doctor's advise.
Intra Mascular Iron Injection can also increase low himoglobin to high.
RK Khatri
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