Here's a song I want to dedicate to my beloved wonderful little girl - Syafiah. Yeah.. I'm a big fan of Beatles... It's a simple yet beautiful song.
And I Love Her - Beatles
I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her
She gives me ev'rything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her
A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Indeed, she's my sweetheart and I love her.
One of her hobbies - garu anggota badan termasuk hidung dengan khusyuk sekali. Pastu jari tadi masuk mulut. Yikes! Bad habit...
Sleeping beauty. Keletihan selepas pulang dari occupational therapy (terapi cara kerja). Hari ni kena kerja keras sket kata ayah. Dan yang best kata ayahnya lagi dia cuba untuk angkat kepalanya walau pun hati hiba sampai menangis-nangis. Hahaha... Ruginya daku tak dapat rakam/shoot gambar time tu. So, I asked my husband to change the next appointment to afternoon so that I could tag along.

And I Love Her - Beatles
I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her
She gives me ev'rything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her
A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Indeed, she's my sweetheart and I love her.
One of her hobbies - garu anggota badan termasuk hidung dengan khusyuk sekali. Pastu jari tadi masuk mulut. Yikes! Bad habit...
Sleeping beauty. Keletihan selepas pulang dari occupational therapy (terapi cara kerja). Hari ni kena kerja keras sket kata ayah. Dan yang best kata ayahnya lagi dia cuba untuk angkat kepalanya walau pun hati hiba sampai menangis-nangis. Hahaha... Ruginya daku tak dapat rakam/shoot gambar time tu. So, I asked my husband to change the next appointment to afternoon so that I could tag along.

sucinya kasih sayang ibu...
terharu membaca...
may God bless u all..amin
hahaha, sebijik perangai darwisy.. tapi tak pe kak, masuk mulut dia.. daripada dia hulur jari masuk mulut akak macam darwisy buat kat saya..
:D sabar je laa..
saya pun suka lagu ni... :)
suka lagu!!
Salm kak,moga akk n family sht12 selalu.
Hehe yg bab garu 1badn pastu msuk mulut tu kdg2 blh jadi tabiat budak2 nk membesar,kak..tapi diorg tak buat mcm tu bila dh besar nnt
wah...dah leh angkat2 pale sendiri ke?
Hugs and kisses for Syafiah..
best lagu Beatles tu.. and i love her ni antara yg saya suka selain i wanna hold yr hand..
suka dengar lagu cupcake ni jugak , lets dedicate it for Syafiah.
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear..
Wonderful dedication song to Syafiah!
I love The Beatles too!
comelnya.. garu sana garu sini..
mesti syafiah suka dengar lagu mamanya yang bagi..
bak lyric lagu favorite i lak "you're the love of my life & the breath in my prayer". itu la kasih kita pada anak kan?
shain cik minah ni keletihan. takpe syg, usaha tangga kejayaan. atlit pecut 100m pun tokleh masuk olympic kalau tak berlatih.
bez tul thiz song... tomei nyer Syafiah tido..
Kasih ibu membawa ke syurga. Tetiba rasa rindu pada mak kat kg plak.
Hahaha.. itulah kelaku anak ni. Tunggulah sampai Syafiah pun wat camtu. Tak mustahil kan..
Lagu The Beatles memang banyak yang best.
Lagu yang sangat simple tapi spot on.
Wsalam. Alhamdulillah kami sihat. Haa.. memang pun. Karang dah besar dah tak wat lagi. Tapi masa kecik ni kelako tengok perangai masing².
| Krsty Pinky |:
Bolehlah sket². Di saat² kritikal.. suka cabaran si Syafiah ni.. hehehe.
Lady of Leisure:
Lagu Beatles lain yang akak suka Help, Hard Day’s Night, etc. & thanks for the cupcake song. Sangat adorable ok :)
I know that she feels what I’m feeling about her.
Glad to know that you feel the same way to The Beatles too!
Dia suka tu, cuma dia malu² kambing je tu.. tersengih-sengih!
Mama-Miya a.k.a MiuMiu a.k.a "Jedi Hopeful":
Heehaa.. that’s really inspiring! Harus usaha lebih lagi ni, Syafiah..
p.s. : Nape makcik tak dapat masuk blog mama Miya ni?
Tulah gaya tido favorite dia. Tido ngiring sampai melengkung.
Saya suka tgk determination anak kecil ni.. Kesungguhan mereka adalah satu inspirasi utk kita kan..
Sumber inspirasi akak untuk menjadi ibu yang tabah.
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