Syafiah and my husband went to HSB's ped's clinic this morning. They accidently met with Fieza's husband. Not sure. According to my husband, he didn't meet Fieza. My husband and her husband were studying at the same school. Her husband was his senior.
Fieza is a friend who I first met in HSB around June 2008 for Syafiah's first shunt placement. After meeting them in June, we later met them again at the 1st floor. We've an appointment with the eye doctors, they've an appointment with the ped. We lost contact after that. However, recently I met her again in RH.
God sent them an angel too. They named her Sofie. Sofie is a DS who is now waiting for her turn for a heart surgery which will be done in IJN.
Back to Syafiah, nothing much said by the ped - Dr. Anu. Only she gave us the referral letter for us to take her to ENT clinic where she'll be assessed for her speech management. That would only be in October.
Her next list of appointments:
On the way home, my husband bought these for her:

Picture of her yesterday:

p.s. : I could hear she's talking right now in the living room, trying to mumble I think with her uncle. Sounds so sweet! I won't be able to attend all the appointments. Need to wait for Mastura to return home everyday from school. TQ very much for Mr. Husband. You've sacrificed a lot!
Fieza is a friend who I first met in HSB around June 2008 for Syafiah's first shunt placement. After meeting them in June, we later met them again at the 1st floor. We've an appointment with the eye doctors, they've an appointment with the ped. We lost contact after that. However, recently I met her again in RH.
God sent them an angel too. They named her Sofie. Sofie is a DS who is now waiting for her turn for a heart surgery which will be done in IJN.
Back to Syafiah, nothing much said by the ped - Dr. Anu. Only she gave us the referral letter for us to take her to ENT clinic where she'll be assessed for her speech management. That would only be in October.
Her next list of appointments:
30 July 2009 - Occupational therapy (fortnightly basis)
8 October 2009 - Neuro clinics (3 months basis)
28 October 2009 - Speech therapy (1st time)
1 December 2009 - Pediatric clinics (for coordination only. She even had her jabs outside HSB).
8 October 2009 - Neuro clinics (3 months basis)
28 October 2009 - Speech therapy (1st time)
1 December 2009 - Pediatric clinics (for coordination only. She even had her jabs outside HSB).
On the way home, my husband bought these for her:

Anything for you, dear... ECPI drinking water, Lactogen II, PediaSure Vanilla flavor and a bottle on top of that is Appeton multivitamin prescribed by the ped at HSB. 1ml per day yer puan²!
Picture of her yesterday:
I feel a bit funny looking her like this... hahaha..

p.s. : I could hear she's talking right now in the living room, trying to mumble I think with her uncle. Sounds so sweet! I won't be able to attend all the appointments. Need to wait for Mastura to return home everyday from school. TQ very much for Mr. Husband. You've sacrificed a lot!
eh..syafiah pegang kaki..jgn tarik masuk mulut ek...tu tandanya nak adik..hehe..jgn marah kak sue..gurau jer...anyway..sweet syafiah...hugs n kisses from aisyah n mama
dah byk mulut Syafiah skg ye..mcm2nye ayah dia beli kan utk dia..
lactogen dengan pediasure ni susu yang bagus kan..
masa jaga anak buah dulu, doc pun rekemen lactogen..
Salam singgah , saya doakan yang terbaik untuk Safiah moga dia dapat membesar menjadi anak yg solehah dan dipanjangkan umur dan sihat sentiasa. Lama saya tengok slide gambar Safiah , sinar mata dia menunjukkan dia seorg baby yang cekal dan cerdik , moga Allah sentiasa melindungi Safiah .Amin
oh.. dah mula mumble.. alhamdulillah.. :)
**kenapa sampai 2 jenis susu...?
tomei gitu..
p/s Cam rasa nak jumpa lah Sue..
Pasal ari tu Adiq ternampak pic Syafiah masa saya dok baca kat kg. Terus dia tanya kenapa Adiq tu ibu?.. bila saya kata dia sakit.. Adiq terus kata jomlah pergi tengok tu sakit..
saya takleh nak kata apa..
Tak yah tunggu Syafiah gigit ibu jari kakilah. Meh akak tulun dia gigitkan. Hehehe..
Bukan takat banyak mulut, kakitangan pun wat kerja sekali. Cuma tinggai takleh bangun ja..
Lady of Leisure:
Anak akak yang 2 orang lagi minum lactogen II. Sangat membesar bagai juara!
Thanks for the doa. Sesungguhnya Syafiah memang anak yang cekal. Tq for dropping by and joted down too.
Sebab PediaSure bukan FM. Ia adalah food supplement.
Adiq cam anak saya la tu. Cepat rasa kasih pada anak² orang lain. InsyaAllah saya cuba cari masa untuk bertemu. Ramai lagi nak jumpa Syafiah ni tapi ibu dia je yang malu² kucing.. :P nk jumpa cik syafiah tp dia pulak yg malu² kucing ye :-)
sikit je lg tu nk masuk mulut...
Akak ni pemalu orangnyee... hehehe!
salam kak suealeen,
salam perkenalan dr rakan di RH...
berminat nak exchg link dgn akak..
leh kongsi² citer k...harap akak sudi...
salam perkenalan..
saya pun rakan baru dari RH..
nice page..
so cute syafiah..
saya rasa syafiah tu tengah urut kaki dia bg cepat berjalan.dia pun agaknya dah naik boring asyik baring je.
Wsalam. Be my guess, dear.. I'll link you back.
Jejari Halus:
Selamat datang.. tq sebab sudi tinggal komen!
Kaki dia gatai nak berjalan la tu...
comeh nyer syafiah dok pegang kaki tuh..bile lak turn sarra lak...
ita zakaria:
Slow²lah. Kalo kita yakin dia boleh buat, lambat pun pasti dia akan buat. Put your trust in Sarra ok.
wah boleh tahan banyaknya hospital visit syafiah tu.. khadijah pun ada 3x lagi app utk tahun ni, setakat hari ni lah kan..
Kak Sue..kita tak pernah pun terserempak kat hospital kan..hehe..hurmm..klu terserempak..leh la jumpe syafiah.. :) Tgk appointment semua tak sama tarikh ngan Nabila..huhu..tak dapat nak jumpe..huhu
Sangat banyak appointmentnya. Bulan Januari tahun depan pun ada dah disetkan.
Tu la kan... tapi ramai la pergi klinik. Payah nak cam. Kalo nak cam pun kena cam muka Syafiah la. Biasanya dia dengan ayah dia je la yang ke sana.
Shafiyah nak jumpa Speech Therapist yer?
It might be Pn Mala @ Pn. Anida.
Pn. Mala on confinement leave till september, and Pn. Anida in australia now.
Send my best regards to both of them..
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