I was laying on a comforter when I was patting on Syafiah's rear in the living room. I took out her shirt as she has a fever.
In the kitchen, I heard my husband was washing something. It might be just his hands. So, I let him did whatever he did and waited for our routine quality time by watching TV together. The kids were together in this room, switching on the PC and playing with the puzzles.
I was watching Surf's Up. An animation of an ambitious penguin who tried to pursue his dream to be a surfer by joining a competition at Big Z's memorial. Big Z is a legend and a penguin too. It is a beautiful animation with good values.
He didn't join me yet until he came to watch Prison Break, one of our favorite series. After watching it, we watched Broken Arrows before we switched off the TV.
Later, I went to the bathroom attached to the dining room. On the kitchen wall I could see all the washed pans. No plates, no cups in the sink. Everything was in very good order. He even washed the rice pot, children's bottles and threw the left over into the trash bin.
Even though he came back late last night as he went to the gym first, he spared some times to do the domestic petty things. I smiled and at the same time I felt so touched by little things he has done. It means so much to me.
Not only this time, it has been so many times I smiled for small things he has done - he'd bring me a cup of hot coffee/Milo when I'm online or watching TV, he'd spare some times to teach Iqra' to Mastura every night, he'd play with the kids, he'd do the therapy to Syafiah and even sometimes he'd cook for us and feed me like a baby, etc.!
He once said, "Mak pesan untuk jadi penyabar. Katanya orang perempuan beruntung kalau dapat suami yang penyabar". Yes! Indeed.. not only that, you're 'ringan tulang', sporting, understanding and accept me the way I'm.
I love you so much, man!
how sweet..untung kak sue..
How lovely of him!
bestnya.. siap buatkan air lagi :)
its ok.perkara kecil je tu.thanks n love u to.
SUE.. cam sma2 lak kita dpt hby yng camtu.. alhamdulillah kan? sya je kena control sket..bak kata org tua.. psangan kita pya prangai msti opposite kita...
Wah bestnyer..kalaula seme lelaki cam tu...untung sue...
Best nyer!
sweetnya la hai..
agak2, hubby akak baca tak ni?
bestnya dilayan mcmtu..sekali sekali pun jadila..tapi kalau berkala2..lagi bestttt. kan!
Ya untung dapat husband yg penyabar, kan. Saya suka bila masuk rumah,lepas balik dari keje dan amik anak-anak, tercium bau sedapnya lauk..heheh.. sapa masak agaknya kan?
how sweet!so touching...
kak ela,mmg anda beruntung dpt hubby sebaik abg nen itu.sy sgt jeles!!!
*asal skema sgt ayat aku?hahaha..
sweet sgt...hehehhe..suami cam ni kene jaga btol2..hehehe
mmg bertuah dpt seorg yg rajin baik dan tak byk songeh cam nen tu, kelakar plak...more mcm kawan...sporting je!
dlm bz2 tu rajin baca Quran...susah nak cari suami yg rajin dan pandai melayan anak2...kita package suami sempurnalah tu...
Bersyukur dgn kurniaan Ilahi...kita pun kena jadi yg terbaik cam tu juga sbb dia pun patut dpt sebaik dan serajin dia...dlm bab perasaan dan rmhtangga.
Moga berkekalan.
Mrs Azmar:
Untung akak, tak semestinya untung bagi dia.. kan.. terasa rendah diri la pulak!
Your husband must be one tough and lovely guy too!
We treat each other the same way. I’d make for him, he’d make for me.
Benda camtu le buat saya sayangkan suami saya. I love you too.. muahssss.. xoxo!!
Alhamdulillah.. saya ni pun lain macam jugak jenisnya. Allah swt jodohkan dia dengan saya mesti ada sebab. Satunya untuk membentuk peribadi saya.
Kerikil Kehidupan:
Manusia tak sempurna. Allah swt ciptakan setiap kejadian untuk kita saling berkenalan. Mesti ada hikmahnya.
He’s the best!
Ada.. SA7 tu la husband akak.. penyokong no. 1 akak.
Dilayan macam princess. Kekadang akak yang naik lemak! Manja & mengada.
Glad that you feel the same way too.. sonokkan dapat hubby pandai masak.
I’ve read few times until tears fall down. Sendiri tulis, sendiri sebak.
| Krsty Pinky |:
Tak pe.. insyaAllah Sha pun baik juga. Manusia sentiasa berubah. Mohonlah kita berubah ke arah yang baik.
Betol tu. Bahye! Nak² lagi kalo boroi. Segelintir wanita bujang zaman la memang suka dengan hubby orang.. oh nak kena ’sorok’lah hubbyku ini!
kak Bib:
Oh.. inilah nasihat yang membuatkan daku sebak sekali. Daku jauh dari baik, apatah lagi yang terbaik. Dah la berbuat baik dengan daku dan anak², dia juga amat baik dengan keluarga kita. Boleh mix very well with my sisters, nephews, cousins and of course our mom.
Masih ingat dia dok di tengah² antara mak dan kak Chik sambil makan pasembor. Masa tu aku dok perati je dia dari jauh. Boleh melawak-lawak dia di situ sambil mintak kak Chik ciumkan bau pasembor yang dia cucuk di garpu tu.
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