Yes... I've been and am so in love with him.
Sorry, for setting up the Youtube to autoplay and loop. I know that some people won't like this. I'll tell you why I put up the song on this blog's walltomorrow later today... *tomorrow apanye...*

p/s : He just returned from work just now. We're supposed to fast as today is 1st Rejab. However, my period came this morning and he has a fever. Some more he got MC. Get well soon and take care, my dearest!
Sorry, for setting up the Youtube to autoplay and loop. I know that some people won't like this. I'll tell you why I put up the song on this blog's wall
p/s : He just returned from work just now. We're supposed to fast as today is 1st Rejab. However, my period came this morning and he has a fever. Some more he got MC. Get well soon and take care, my dearest!
ekekek.. patutla ada lagu celine dion.. (kebetulan saya bukak banyak window at a time, so x tau sapa punya blog yg letak lagu autoplay ni.. tapi no hal la.. sedap lagu ni.. ) :)
Akak memang fan Celine Dion.
ya..aku juga "kipas susah mati" celine dion!!...
lagu dia sume best²...hohoho
aku punya speaker sentiasa off sue. so, tade hall punyaaa.
Lagu dia mak aiii... yang catchy, yang balada, yang sentimental... semo best!
Intan @ mama ammar:
On la sat masuk blog ni... hehehe.. kalo minat kat CD la..
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