Red Hot.. that's the song I'm listening to right from the morning until now. Gila babas dah speaker makcik ari ni.. aiyarkkk! Nak dengar?
This song reminds me a lot when I was having my one-semester practicum in Taman Eng Ann, Klang (in fact, all of her songs). I was staying with my adopted brother in Kg Jawa. To go and return from work, I bought a green bicycle! Tak nak menyusahkan orang. Furthermore, he's working in Port Klang and went to work very early in the morning, as early as 7 am. When I have my bike, I could go to 'work' on 8 am. It was during Ramadhan too!

This song reminds me a lot when I was having my one-semester practicum in Taman Eng Ann, Klang (in fact, all of her songs). I was staying with my adopted brother in Kg Jawa. To go and return from work, I bought a green bicycle! Tak nak menyusahkan orang. Furthermore, he's working in Port Klang and went to work very early in the morning, as early as 7 am. When I have my bike, I could go to 'work' on 8 am. It was during Ramadhan too!

Photo credit to
Klang was and still one of the busiest towns in Malaysia. Everyday I've to go through a congested area. My route -> his housing area - graveyard - Jalan Uganda - Jalan Kg Jawa - Old Klang (Little India) - bridge (in front of Greatwall) - 100 years roundabout (one of my favorite places) - Taman Eng Ann (road in front of Shell). Why not public transport? Simply because I need to walk to his housing area from the main road for about half an hour!
I was so bored until I bought a walkman. For those who don't know, I love classical/instrumental/rock genre of musics. So I bought cassettes. One of my favorite instrumental players is Vanessa Mae (3 albums tapi mana tah semua kaset dia). Others - Richard Clayderman, Kitaro, U2, Savage Garden, etc. What a taste!

Mana bleh tak crazy dengan her talented skills of playing the violin. Dia menghidupkan lagu² klasikal mengikut music arrangement yang tersendiri. Yang sedap didengari oleh telinga anak muda. Besides, she's just 31 like me. Her 1st album was produced in 1990 when she was only 12 years old! Makcik ni jugak buat konsert seawal tahun 1988.
I once remember to a sister. A kerek type of person even though she was new in the company. She's not my superior but acted like one. I was doing a trace on one plan. It took a little time as I'm the one who stressed on perfection. I was doing it in a software. Suddenly she came and scolded me, "School anto datang sini untuk praktikal, bukan untuk memain". I looked at her and answered calmly, "Kalo akak pandai sangat, akak buat la sendiri". And that particular attitude doesn't stop there, I carry it until now.
She was shocked and didn't expect I would answer her. Later she told my superior until he came to me and asked me what's going on. So, I explained. He said, "Tak takut kantoi praktikal ke?". "Why should I be afraid? You're the one who'd evaluate me, not her". Selamba je aku... and I passed my practical with flying colors, of course! And later I found out that she has annoyed everyone in the company, except the directors! Mentang²lah awak ada master dari USA. But who cares when your attitude doesn't reflect your educational background.
This was the 1st time I bought my Konika, the 1st time I cycled to Klang Parade and the 1st time someone showed his interest in me too! Hahaha...
When I was tracing the plan, I was using this guy's PC. He wasn't there as he returned to his hometown. Let me introduce him as Z. One day, when I was getting my bike to go home, I saw him standing next to it. He was asking me out, but I refused as I was so scared. So I just went home. Sok masuk keje je terus kena usik.. dushhh!
I didn't say much and I didn't give him hopes. We lost contact. Dia established, dah kerja.. and me? Still studying. Kalo tengok age memang tak beza jauh... tapi.... takut beb!
Ended up, I lost my bike at the end of practicum. Sedey tauuu!
p.s. : Mesti ada lagu² yang mengingatkan kita pada beberapa peristiwa. Contoh lagi macam Beat It dan Billy Jeans oleh MJ.. sangat mengimbau kenangan zaman kanak². Petang je my wacko sisters berjemaah kat tingkat atas menari-nari. Adiknya pun nyebok join sekali. Anyway, Al-Fatihah to MJ for those who believed that he's a Muslim, wallahu'alam.
Aku de dengaq lagu The Phantom of The Opera yg di mainkan oleh Vanessa Mae..gila babas punya best..smp addict aku & jet..
Cuba hang dengaq Bach Street Prelude, Hocus Pocus, Contradanza, Widescreen, Aurora, Symphony no. 5 (Beethoven), Classical Gas, Can Can, Bach’s Partita in E, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, Storm, Devil's Thrill, Fur Elise, etc. Mesti rasa nak dengar lagi...
Heheh lagu westlife tu fav saya juga dulu. Ada byk lagu fav tp semua dah tak layan sgt bila belajar jauh. Dulu selalu psg kat umah..
wat a small world.....
my hubby dok kg jawa....
Westlife pun akak suka jugak tu.. sayangkan kumpulan tu berpecah.
Eh... hubby tu dok Kg Jawa kat mana? Kg Jawa tu kan panjang...
kak sue tau dak kilang perabot thai chong?dekat2 ngan graveyard....pastu ade kuil...kat situ la
Alamak! Kilang perabot? Kg Jawa ni akak main batu.. Kalo habo batu berapa akak tau la, insyaAllah.
batu 1 1/2
Adakah rumah ibu mertuamu ni di Jalan Uganda? Kalo dari Klang ada simpang 4 traffic light pastu masuk kanan. Kat situ ke? Oh.. sangat susah untuk daku merecall kedai perabot itu...
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