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To all Amazing Syafiah's readers, family, RH's friends, SU's friends, followers and all the friends out there, we would like to wish you Eid Mubarak. May we have a blessed Ramadhan. We would also like to apologize for our wrong deeds and we surely will miss Ramadhan again. Juga mohon maaf sebab kurang menjelajah dan berblog di bulan puasa ini.
Ramadhan is gone
Ramadhan was here.
Ramadhan's now gone.
Let us make the most of the month
For it is not here for long.
Let us do dhikr and pray
And worship Allah all day
Before ramadhan is gone
For it is not here for long.
Less than nine days till the end
Durood on Nabi (S) we should send
Continuously for our rewards will be doubled
Before ramadhan is gone
For it is not here for long.
(source from here)
And thanks to those who have greeted us virtual Eid wish as follows:

From Kelly

And not to forget, those who sent me the cards through Facebook app. Thank you very much!
p.s. : Got a sad news. A classmate passed away on Saturday morning, diagnosed with lung cancer. I just got the news from Facebook. Al-Fatihah to Nurzuraida binti Manaf @ Dian.
Eid Mubarak kak sue..
Maaf zahir & batin..
Selamat Hari Raya juga Sue dan keluarga.. maaf zahir batin ...
Alfatihah buat Nurzuraida
To Lady of Leisure/nadnye/Farah:
Thanks for the wishes, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin, selamat memandu dan jangan dilupa pada golongan yang kurang bernasib baik... :)
Sue, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. Peluk cium utk Syafiah :)
salam Kak Sue
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Maaf yek kalau ada tersalah kata..tersilap bahasa sepanjang ber blog nih.. :)
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. Nanti bukan takat peluk cium, tido sekali pun boleh..
Wsalam.. tiada apa yang perlu dimaafkan. Akak buat silap mungkin ada la kot. So consider 0-0 k
hidup lebih indah jika ada rasa maaf.
selamat hari raya tuk kak sue dan famili dari ann dan hubby dan tam dan teh..
Assalamualaikum Sue
Selamat Aidil Fitri seta maaf zahir dan batin untuk Sue sekeluarga. Semoga gembira di hari raya ini.
Peluk cium buat Syafiah.
Salam sayang
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