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Ironically, we don't have a family picture taken during the holiday. However, I'm looking for one more 'celebration' after finishing my 6-days fasting, insyaAllah. Perhaps, we'll take pictures on that day. We also didn't snap any photos at my in-law's house.
Syafiah's current project is:

by having these:
Got a parcel from Akma (RH) on Friday noon just before we went back to kampung. 5 CDs with 10 microfiber inserts.

I'm now searching for the bamboo insert to compare it with the microfiber insert. Anyway, should share about cloth diapers more if I have time in my next entry. Still have few entries owed to the readers. 2 of them are about SPD and how to get through the experience.
Syafiah is active, now and then, especially on the 1st day of Eid. She loves to scream (higher than usual) with both feet kicking in the air, pronounced a few more words, eagers to eat (or testing her teeth) but still haven't got a good sign on heavy meal especially rice. She's indeed a picky eater just like her brother. But they both love to drink plenty of milk. Now she consumes it on 2 hourly basis.

Ironically, we don't have a family picture taken during the holiday. However, I'm looking for one more 'celebration' after finishing my 6-days fasting, insyaAllah. Perhaps, we'll take pictures on that day. We also didn't snap any photos at my in-law's house.
Syafiah's current project is:

by having these:
Got a parcel from Akma (RH) on Friday noon just before we went back to kampung. 5 CDs with 10 microfiber inserts.

I'm now searching for the bamboo insert to compare it with the microfiber insert. Anyway, should share about cloth diapers more if I have time in my next entry. Still have few entries owed to the readers. 2 of them are about SPD and how to get through the experience.
Syafiah is active, now and then, especially on the 1st day of Eid. She loves to scream (higher than usual) with both feet kicking in the air, pronounced a few more words, eagers to eat (or testing her teeth) but still haven't got a good sign on heavy meal especially rice. She's indeed a picky eater just like her brother. But they both love to drink plenty of milk. Now she consumes it on 2 hourly basis.
sis.. kelly pun baru received parcel dari kema.. excited sangat nak pakai kan daniey cd.. tapi that day masa prewash cd2 tu.. kelly guna banyak sangat sabun.. habis tu bila pakai cd tu habis naik rashes kat punggung daniey.. so skg kelly kena cuci balik cd2 tu supaya sabun2 hilang.. sian daniey.. tu la mummy dia tak tau nak baca betul2.. cara2 nak prewash cd tu..he..he..he..
bgs btl mommies mama aisyah ni je blm maju ke depan membeli CDs
really want to hear the experience in using much it cost per CD?
tertunggu gambaq yg dimaksudkan tu..ada party apa kaksue..posa 6..saya baru 1 hari setengah..aik ada jugak setengah...hehehe
crita la lagi psl CD nanti ...
Saya ni prewash tak pakai sabun pun, kelly. Even most of the time tak pakai sabun. Asal heavy je terus basuh CD tu.
Best jugak pakai CD ni. Join le...
l i e y n:
Yang ni kita orang main kutu untuk 4 bulan. RM45/month. So RM180 untuk 5 keping CD dan 10 keping insert.
Hehehe... gambaq nanti ada satu part kabur ja. Part kat muka akak la tu...
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