Instead of screaming, her new habits are:
And also she likes to clash her teeth. Ouch! It's like gnawing pains.
Congratulations on the new arrival of Fiza Din's baby. Her daughter, Sofie is one of Syafiah's friends. She gave birth to a baby boy this morning.
Two days earlier, Selvi - mom to the late Sridar, sms-ed. She wants to meet Syafiah as she misses her boy a lot. She said she almost gone crazy and thus she wants to meet Syafiah. Perhaps, that way can ease her a bit. It's almost a month that Sridar left us. Now, she's in Pahang to perform prayer. Hope that we can see her soon.

Sticks out tongue. Where did she learn that? Does it mean she can look? Wallahu'alam.
And also she likes to clash her teeth. Ouch! It's like gnawing pains.
Congratulations on the new arrival of Fiza Din's baby. Her daughter, Sofie is one of Syafiah's friends. She gave birth to a baby boy this morning.
Two days earlier, Selvi - mom to the late Sridar, sms-ed. She wants to meet Syafiah as she misses her boy a lot. She said she almost gone crazy and thus she wants to meet Syafiah. Perhaps, that way can ease her a bit. It's almost a month that Sridar left us. Now, she's in Pahang to perform prayer. Hope that we can see her soon.
kesiannya.. kalau saya di tempat ibu sridar rao.. tak dapat saya bayangkan macam mana perasaan dia yg kehilangan sridar..
comelnya syafiah, oh ngilu kan bila dgr gigi berlaga..
syafiah is one cheeky gurl :-)
my condolences to late-sridar's family
Lady of Leisure:
Kesian tau, Lady. Dia ingat akak tak ingat kat dia. Akak kata akak ingat tapi sebab dia tukar no. baru tu yang tak perasan. Lagi pun nak call dia lelebih masa dia sedih dulu risau bagi dia lebih sedih.
Akak selalu tegur perangai dia tu. Panggil nama dia kuat². Dia benti la sekejap. Pastu buat balik.
Susah gak nak ambik gambo dia ni. Tu sebab blurry sket. Kejap² dia jelir, kejap dia tarik balik.
kiut jea boleh buat camtu.. tapi mesti rasa semacam jea dengar clashing teeth..
takziah kat Sridar Family...
Ye la.. ngilu rasanya bila dia lagakan gigi tu...
hehe..comel la syafiah..hurm..sama cam Nabila..dah pandai laga gigi..ngilu betull..hehe..nak test gigi yek syafiah..kasi tajam yek..nanti senang makan..hehe.. :)
hehehe..gaya cam dia teasing kita lak
Dia memang suka makan tambah lagi yang crunchy. Suka pada bunyi makanan tu gamaknya.
Mama-Miya a.k.a Jedi Hopeful a.k.a Proud Zakiah Khairani:
Semalam dia macam sebut "Uuuu... chak!" pada Achu dia. Dia plak yang main ba ba cak dengan orang.
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