May 29, 2009

National Zoo trip

We bought a CD from Mastura's school yesterday. Here are some photos during the zoo trip.

Green-cap-6-years-old students lining up at the school compound. I love to see Dzaiddin's (1st boy) and Ahmad Abdul Muttalib's (last boy) faces. Miss them a lot too!

3-4 years old students were wearing red cap, whilst 5 years old students were wearing blue cap.

Hazim (with blue tumbler). A naughty but brilliant boy who always talk about having a girlfriend.. hoh!

Azfar - the tallest boy in En-Einstein class. Uit.. what are you doing? Trying to ngorat my anak dara ka?

Lining up before entering the zoo.

After entering the zoo.

Holding both hands - Azfar and Teacher Liza.

Mastura dok sengih pandang kamera. Sitting beside the cucu Dato's boy.

Last shot before going home.

She reminds me a lot about myself during my childhood when I looked at her photos. A person who loves to be and move alone! But frankly I've never felt lonely. It's just me. When asked, Mastura answered that she loves to be friend with Hani, Khairina, Nurin, Aishah and Nisha. There are some more but she always mentions about Hani. When I was there, I knew that she could get along with people.

Zoo reminds me a lot about stone crocodiles! ("Ibu.. bukan crocodile, tapi alligator!" :P). More pictures and stories about the trip, please feel free to visit Madam Principal's blog.

p/s : I'm thinking of organizing a contest. The prize will be a pair of Salomon's roller blades worth below RM2k. Ada ke yang berminat nak join? And again.. ada ke orang nak roller blades zaman sekarang ni?


me said...

contest apa?huhuhu...
ada...aku masih berminat..;p

azfar tue minat kt mastura ke?berpegang tangan gtu...hohoho

Diver Mom said...

hehe.. ala, kalau dah berpegangan, ada la tu! hahahaah :)

cute tgk budak2 melawat zoo. Bila nak mai Pusat Sains Negara ni..? kita buat lawatan berprogram.. masuk makmal, buat eksperimen.. nak..? :)

Sue.Aleen said...

mula aku ingat nak bagi roller blade tu untuk family gath tapi entah bila la family gath nak buat pun.. tak pernah pakai pun. consultant bagi. rupa dia pun aku tak tau camne. contest la.. nanti aku pk format dia.

deme tu ramai² memang dipasangkan supaya stay dalam group. cuba la tanya principal Q-dees kot dia berminat... :D. frankly bunyinya macam best je!


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