Sorry, dear friends.. I was really occupied 'godeking' a friend's virtual house until I neglected my own blog. I was bloghopping too but I haven't had the chance to leave a trail.
I spent my time in FB too. Let me share a picture that I found in one of a friends' account. Nampak daku macam sweet je gitu.. hahaha.. perasan..:

Cuba teka saya yang mana satu? Amaran untuk sedara-mara, sepupu-sepapat & adik-beradik tak termasuk dalam peraduan teka gambar ini! Honestly, I haven't changed much physically (mentally included :P). Hehe...
I went to A**s' house few times. It's located in Taman Melawati. I couldn't remember much about this event but I know it was her birthday. I even bought a bed sheet at Alpha Angle one time I went to her house (now became my brother-in-law's property) and tagged her along to Pulau Besar, Melaka. Nak dekat time exam plak tu.. huhu!
I'm so happy to find few old time buddies in FB. Love to look at the familiar faces & photos, knowing news from each other. Seems like a flashback. Definitely, "A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever." Ah.. banyak lagilah memori lain kalo nak cerita...
Unfortunately, A**s is facing a trial now. Hope she could make it through. Allah swt is there for all of us. Hanging there. He knows the best for us too. InsyaAllah there'll be a better plan for you. Jangan sedih² k!

p.s. : Hubby and I both joined FB. Sama² chat, sama² main Barn Buddy.. hahaha!
I spent my time in FB too. Let me share a picture that I found in one of a friends' account. Nampak daku macam sweet je gitu.. hahaha.. perasan..:

Cuba teka saya yang mana satu? Amaran untuk sedara-mara, sepupu-sepapat & adik-beradik tak termasuk dalam peraduan teka gambar ini! Honestly, I haven't changed much physically (mentally included :P). Hehe...
I went to A**s' house few times. It's located in Taman Melawati. I couldn't remember much about this event but I know it was her birthday. I even bought a bed sheet at Alpha Angle one time I went to her house (now became my brother-in-law's property) and tagged her along to Pulau Besar, Melaka. Nak dekat time exam plak tu.. huhu!
I'm so happy to find few old time buddies in FB. Love to look at the familiar faces & photos, knowing news from each other. Seems like a flashback. Definitely, "A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever." Ah.. banyak lagilah memori lain kalo nak cerita...
Unfortunately, A**s is facing a trial now. Hope she could make it through. Allah swt is there for all of us. Hanging there. He knows the best for us too. InsyaAllah there'll be a better plan for you. Jangan sedih² k!

p.s. : Hubby and I both joined FB. Sama² chat, sama² main Barn Buddy.. hahaha!
wah ada teka teki ni..
takpa lady tunggu kengkawan len jawab dulu.. :)
alpha angle? wakaka.. teringat zaman dok uia rajin merayap situ.. org lama panggil alpha angle.. org la ni panggil jj wangsa maju..
Ofcoz aku tau yg mana satu. tak yah teka2 mmg tau. hehe
mane satu ni? i donno..bagilah clue ckit kak sue...
Lady of Leisure:
Mesti tak de clue nak teka la tu kan...
Intan @ mama ammar:
Syhh... soklan bocoq bagi hang.
Antara 2 orang yang dok di depan. :P
nak teka yang mana ek??? ermmmm tak reti teka..tapi nanti mai tengok jawapan je aci la noooo
Takde pun yg rupa mcm Sue..hehe. Akak jrg layan FB wpun ada acc kat ctu...
yg mana ntah kak sue...
yg bertudung sopan tersenyum simpul tu ke?
eh..mai alpha angle jemput singgah umah!
Hehe... mai jangan tak mai.
Ms Diamond:
Dulu saya pun jarang buka FB tapi since jumpa kawan lama ni rajin buka.
InsyaAllah... lama dah tak pi sana.
Lama rasanya tak jengah blog k sue. Saya makin hilang mood nak blogging sebab busy amat. Takpe, nnt saya buat entry balas dendam pula eh.. hehe..
Kita serupa je, Mirah... hilang mood. Mirah ada gak excuse sbb bz. Akak ni? Ahaiii...
hehe mana satu akk yea...saya tak cam lah kak...eem tapi ikut rasa saya,akk tudung biru gelap-seblh tudg biru cair sikt t tu yea^_^
maaf klu slah
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