I keep on losing my words. However, still insisting to write and share Syafiah's wonderful experience with our loyal reader. And I lost words today too, especially after receiving a news from a parent of one of Syafiah's friends. Sridar passed away this morning. I cried, was feeling like losing my own child.
Remember this entry? That would be the last time we met him. I want to pay a visit to HSB to meet Selvi, but definitely I know I can't be there. She cried on the phone while talking to me. Car is with my husband. Not to forget with the swine flu pandemic, HSB is definitely a high risk area.
Back to my miracle, Syafiah met Dr. Roliza this morning as scheduled. The appointment was scheduled to check on her condition after she went to DEMC last Thursday.
Her weight increased to 7.9kg compared to 7.5kg last week. She's now healthier, left only a little mucus and she'll cough once a while. She finished her antibiotics on Monday and Fluhalt pills this morning. No wheezing. Smiling, giggling and talkative like always.
Her teeth came out at the same time. They are bottom left lateral incisor plus 2 molars, on which they caused her uneasiness. Not to say that she's cranky but she always talks loudly to express her feelings.
Few photos to share with you:

Thanks to all the prayers!

p.s. : Dengan rendah diri memohon maaf pada pihak yang berkenaan yang ingin menyumbang kepada kami menggunakan wang zakat, kami tidak boleh menerimanya kerana Syafiah tidak termasuk dalam mana² asnaf mengikut ketetapan syarak. Kang termakan hak orang lain pulak. Tapi bak kata cik suami, wang sumber lain tak pe.. hihi! Dasar!!
Remember this entry? That would be the last time we met him. I want to pay a visit to HSB to meet Selvi, but definitely I know I can't be there. She cried on the phone while talking to me. Car is with my husband. Not to forget with the swine flu pandemic, HSB is definitely a high risk area.
Back to my miracle, Syafiah met Dr. Roliza this morning as scheduled. The appointment was scheduled to check on her condition after she went to DEMC last Thursday.
Her weight increased to 7.9kg compared to 7.5kg last week. She's now healthier, left only a little mucus and she'll cough once a while. She finished her antibiotics on Monday and Fluhalt pills this morning. No wheezing. Smiling, giggling and talkative like always.
Her teeth came out at the same time. They are bottom left lateral incisor plus 2 molars, on which they caused her uneasiness. Not to say that she's cranky but she always talks loudly to express her feelings.
Few photos to share with you:

Thanks to all the prayers!

p.s. : Dengan rendah diri memohon maaf pada pihak yang berkenaan yang ingin menyumbang kepada kami menggunakan wang zakat, kami tidak boleh menerimanya kerana Syafiah tidak termasuk dalam mana² asnaf mengikut ketetapan syarak. Kang termakan hak orang lain pulak. Tapi bak kata cik suami, wang sumber lain tak pe.. hihi! Dasar!!
hi syafiah sayang....cepat2 membesar ok...semoga sihat selalu..
Takziah kepada keluarga Sridar. Sedihnya.
To Syafiah..alhamdulillah..semakin bagus dan baik.. Mudah-mudahan ia berterusan..Amin.. :)
tazziah untuk keluarga sridar rao..lady masih ingat entri kak sue pasal sridar..
yayyy.. keep on smiling syafiah..
we love u so much..
sifu... syafiah nampak dah berisi sikit la.. well done syafiah.. dan semoga ianya akan berterusan..
makin cehat syafiah ni ye..alhamdulilah!
love her smile :-)
lamanye menyepi..Alhamdulillah,makin bertambah sihat syafiah..salam takziah untuk ur fren..
look at the camera and say cheeesee..pandai senyum depan kamera noo...
Walau pun tak kenal, mesti rasa dekat di hati kannn...
Lady of Leisure:
Dia anak kecil yang menjadi khalifah dengan caranya yang tersendiri.
Pipi dia memang berisi. Selalu kena geget dengan mak dia ni.
Doakan berat badannya makin bertambah.
Lama menyepi sebab tersangatlah malasnya untuk menaip.
Mata dia memang reti pandang kamera tapi tak fokus kat benda lain. InsyaAllah slowly oklah tu..
salam sue..
lama akak tak jenguk blog sue..
sibuk sangat2 dear..
suke nye tengok syafiah senyum..
melekat dihati...semoga senyuman tu akan terus berkembang yer...
akak selalu doakan sue dan kuarga dilindungi olehNYA..terutama anakanda syafiyah...
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