Let's look at her pictures from 2nd July to 3rd July 2009...

As her mother, I should be alert to her body language and her sounds:
1- She would turn to left when she doesn't like something such as a teasing. Like she wants to say, "Oh please, mama.. I don't wanna play with you. Just stop it please!".
2- She would turn to right to sleep.
3- She would kick both of her feet high and make a sound 'uuuhhh' when she's playing.
4- She would make a sound 'ah' when she finished consuming her milk.
5- She would turn to left too when she wants to defecate.
Everyday, I would whisper to her, "I believe in you, dear Syafiah. I know one day you would sit, talk and walk. You can read and learn, and even you can run. Even if I've to wait longer, I would be patient. You've proven that you could move your left side, so I will always believe in you that you can make it through".
There's no major achievement even with therapies. It doesn't mean that the therapies aren't effective. It's her body. We've to wait for her body to be balance with the head. Though she eats a lot, but her body is still smaller compared to her head. I hope when the time comes, she could achieve many stages in a time, insyaAllah.

p.s. : However, it's only hope. I won't push her, not to the limit that she couldn't bear. Tengok gambar yang dia pegang toy tu. Dulu langsung takleh pegang, malah sebelah kiri langsung tak boleh bergerak. Semalam dia pegang untuk 4-5 minit, alhamdulillah. Praise to God.
As her mother, I should be alert to her body language and her sounds:
1- She would turn to left when she doesn't like something such as a teasing. Like she wants to say, "Oh please, mama.. I don't wanna play with you. Just stop it please!".
2- She would turn to right to sleep.
3- She would kick both of her feet high and make a sound 'uuuhhh' when she's playing.
4- She would make a sound 'ah' when she finished consuming her milk.
5- She would turn to left too when she wants to defecate.
Everyday, I would whisper to her, "I believe in you, dear Syafiah. I know one day you would sit, talk and walk. You can read and learn, and even you can run. Even if I've to wait longer, I would be patient. You've proven that you could move your left side, so I will always believe in you that you can make it through".
There's no major achievement even with therapies. It doesn't mean that the therapies aren't effective. It's her body. We've to wait for her body to be balance with the head. Though she eats a lot, but her body is still smaller compared to her head. I hope when the time comes, she could achieve many stages in a time, insyaAllah.
p.s. : However, it's only hope. I won't push her, not to the limit that she couldn't bear. Tengok gambar yang dia pegang toy tu. Dulu langsung takleh pegang, malah sebelah kiri langsung tak boleh bergerak. Semalam dia pegang untuk 4-5 minit, alhamdulillah. Praise to God.
alhamdulillah.. suka dengar ada progress yang baik.. :D
syafiah dah berapa umur ya..?
alhamdulillah..Shafiyah semakin progress..moga akan terus progress and terus membesar sihat , ceria dan menghiburkan hati keluarga...
saya salute kaksue, kaksue tau apa yg perlu dibuat..Allah mendengar doa dan kata seorang mama .teruskan
Usia dia 18 bulan. Kenapa?
Dia tau hiburkan ati akak ja.. Sangat picky, walopun pada ayahnya sendiri. Kalo tak kenal mula la mulut dia tu membebel-bebel.
InsyaAllah Allah takkan hampakan harapan kami.
Tersentuh baca ayat sue..saya kadang2 tak sabar..tak sabar nak berhadapan dengan ragam Iman terutamanya bila dia sakit dan tak sihat..ditambah pula dgn bebanan kerja yg byk...ditambah lagi dgn cik somi yg selalu outstation..sesekali rasa macam nak ambik unpaid leave mcm jiey..nak tumpukan sepenuhnya pada Iman...Tapi saya sedar..ada mereka yg lebih tabah dari saya..dan terima kasih kerana meminjamkan saya ketabahan itu...
Alhamdulillah dgn perkembangan Syafiah. Always have faith, InsyaAllah she will make progress with time. Hugs n kisses to si comel Syafiah.
Salam sayang.
love to see her smile..
Kita sentiasa doakan yang terbaik buat Syafiah..
kak sue, syafiah sebaya darwisy lah... dia lahir berapa hari bulan?
memang semakin lama kita semakin faham dengan tindak tanduk anak kita kan.. walaupun dia tak cakap, tapi naluri kita tahu apa dia nak kan?
syukur atas nikmat Allah... :)
Alhamdulillah..betul kak sue..kita jgn pakse mereka2 nih..nanti mereka akan sendiri akan pandai bila kita sentiasa ajar mereka..suka sgt bila baca syafiah dah pandai pegang mainan..Alhamdulillah.
Kerikil Kehidupan:
Saya pun tak tabah dan kadang² hilang sabar juga. Saya banyak meminjam kekuatan yang ada pada anak kecil itu.
Salam saying to you and your daughter too.
Lady of Leisure:
Sangat susah untuk buatkan dia gelak dan ketawa ok.. tapi kalo sekali dia senyum sangat indah perasaan ketika itu rasanya.
Syafiah lahir 14 Januari 2008. Nak faham bahasa anak ni terutamanya anak istimewa tersangatlah mencabarnya. Banyak guna empati.
Sebenarnya dengan tidak memaksa mereka, kita juga tidak memaksa diri untuk meletakkan harapan yang tinggi. Harapan hanya kita letakkan dalam hati. So when things aren’t turning to be the way we want, we won’t be so upset.. kan.. Ada perubahan kecil pun cukup untuk membuatkan kita rasa bersyukur. Apatah lagi jika ada perubahan yang besar.
to Amalina : my bad.. saying sepatutnya 'sayang'...
She's memang adorable. InsyaAllah moga syafiah terus progress tu..
Ni yang rasa nak preggy lagi ni.. supaya boleh dapat anak yang adorable lagi cam Syafiah.. hehe..
Comel sungguh Cik Syafiah nih..
Putih.. =)
Jiey nih over sket.. Suka jer set target.. Kalo tak achieve, nnt set another one and usaha lebih sket..
Tp skrg susah la.. Asyik gile keje je nih.. =(
Akak target jugak.. ni kes untuk yang target tinggi, pastu bila tak achieve, mak dia rasa down. Tu yang tak patut tu... sedangkan anak tu bukan takleh achieve. Boleh, cuma makan masa. Give him/her space and he/she will prove to you.
Tak pe.. nanti dah 'coti' banyaklah masa untuk Ian.
Suka sangat gambar dia yang last tu.. comel jea tengok dia senyum...
Dia sangat sukar untuk senyum apatah lagi untuk gelak... sangat² mahal!
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