While waiting for my husband to return last night, I told Mastura to teach Adam to read her kinder books. He did it *macam ngokngek la plak ayat ni* So they read the book together:
After that, I asked them to join me to pray. It was Maghrib. They did it. Of course, there wouldn't be any photos. Sape nak ambil gambar beb kalo yang jadi imam tu saya? I heard Adam was jumping behind me but I just let him be. I knew he's still following my acts.
Right after the salam, my husband came home and few minutes after that, Cda (Awa's friend) came along with her boyfriend, Faris. She would stay with us for a night before registering in UPSI on Sunday morning. Cda was one of Awa's schoolmate. We came from the same village.
I've met Faris several times too. He's a Selangorian. Upon arriving, Cda asked Awa and me to join her for dinner. My husband allowed me to go out. Since my children were behaving well, I asked him to allow me to bring them along too. So they tagged along with us to Ma*u *hmad.
While waiting for the food, I took Mastura and Adam's photos:
And lastly, Faris paid for the bill (pandai²!). Thank you... please come again yarr uncle Faris.. :P.

p.s. : I could hear my daughter is reading in the living room. I went out again this afternoon. Bought flashcards for Syafiah, but the other kids are so interested in it as well.
Look at the wall.. it's one of their masterpieces.
After that, I asked them to join me to pray. It was Maghrib. They did it. Of course, there wouldn't be any photos. Sape nak ambil gambar beb kalo yang jadi imam tu saya? I heard Adam was jumping behind me but I just let him be. I knew he's still following my acts.
Right after the salam, my husband came home and few minutes after that, Cda (Awa's friend) came along with her boyfriend, Faris. She would stay with us for a night before registering in UPSI on Sunday morning. Cda was one of Awa's schoolmate. We came from the same village.
I've met Faris several times too. He's a Selangorian. Upon arriving, Cda asked Awa and me to join her for dinner. My husband allowed me to go out. Since my children were behaving well, I asked him to allow me to bring them along too. So they tagged along with us to Ma*u *hmad.
From left to right : Faris, Cda, Awa (my sister) and Adam were busy choosing their meals.
While waiting for the food, I took Mastura and Adam's photos:
Adam has very charming round eyes. I guess they were inherited from my mom's gene. Our great grandmother was coming from Middle East *tapi saya tak mewaris hidung mancung macam burung belatuk tu ok!*
I could still see a baby in her face. Girl, you're growing up so fast!
I ordered 'Roti Tisu' and teh tarik (my favorite).
Despites of 'carnivore's dilemma', I ordered fish and chips for my kids (bad mother, huh?).
I could still see a baby in her face. Girl, you're growing up so fast!
I ordered 'Roti Tisu' and teh tarik (my favorite).
Despites of 'carnivore's dilemma', I ordered fish and chips for my kids (bad mother, huh?).
And lastly, Faris paid for the bill (pandai²!). Thank you... please come again yarr uncle Faris.. :P.
p.s. : I could hear my daughter is reading in the living room. I went out again this afternoon. Bought flashcards for Syafiah, but the other kids are so interested in it as well.
Hahahaha, kopak budak yg membelanja itu... roti tisu tu sedap kah? aku pernah makan, tapi mcm lekat celah gigi ja?
anak2 well behave ..boleh la salu bawak keluaq..
saya dgn SI sorang ni, dah rasa kelamkabut dah..tadi baru p beli brg2 dapur, beli tomato, dia nak terus makan tomato tu..tak bayar lagi..p timbang dulu, p basuh sat..bagi kat dia..
kalau tak bagi, teriak..glamer pulak nanti..smpi kat cashier, dia kata,..amboi, kecik2 dah jaga kulit..
Adam ni hensem betul la kak..
cam ank mat saleh!
kan betul saya ckp dulu, adam dgn mastura tu mcm serupa je. Kalau tak ck[p tu adam, memang saya ingatkan girl lah dia.. :)
kak sue,
cam sodap je roti tisu tu..
dah lama gile x mkn..mgkin last mkn time form 5 dulu kot
Intan @ mama ammar:
Roti tisu ok² gitu.. sesuai untuk orang nak diet. Diet ke?
Besar SI memang dia tak berapa faham instruction lagi. Nak suruh duduk pun jenuh. Pastu kalo dok teriak tu mesti nakkan perhatian. Nanti dia besar sket oklah.
Abih la.. mesti akak risau bila dia dah meningkat remaja nanti. Tapi kena kabo siap².. dia ni 'anak emak'. Nak tido pun celah ketiak.
Wajah mereka memang seakan-akan dan yang pasti tak ikut muka akak sorang pun. Sedihnyerrr!
Mama Qaseh:
This is my family favorite hang out restaurant. Roti tisu (even roti lain pun) dia tak berminyak sangat macam kat tempat lain.
pernah makan roti tisu, tapi macam muak je.. mungkin sebab berminyak sangat kut...
hehe, tak sabarnya nak tunggu darwisy pandai ikut solat.. :P
eh, muka anak2 kak sue semuanya macam ada iras2 je.. ye la, sebab adik beradik kan.. matanya sama kut... :P
Kedai ni roti tisu dia almost tak berminyak langsung.
Kalo tengok kita orang adik-beradik tak sama langsung... dulu masa lom kawen teringin nak anak² macam Ngasri Sain tu, muka sepesen je.
kalu sya yang paling bez ialah makan ferri..
bbdak kalu tak leh dok diam tak namanya budak kan?... Anak2 Sya pun gitu gak.
Makan ferri? Kat mana nak cari tu? Nama unik gitu.. nak gak try!
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