... I mean, before end of this year. :)

I would give a chance for a review entry. What I can jot down for almost a decade are:
1) 2000 - I was unemployed. My dad fell sick several times.
2) 2001 - I began to work for the 1st time. My dad passed away.
3) 2002 - I got engaged.
4) 2003 - I got married.
5) 2004 - Mastura was born.
6) 2005 - Adam was born.
7) 2006 - Working career was at top. I made up to 2 positions twice per yer.
8) 2007 - I quit working.
9) 2008 - Syafiah was born. A rough year, juggling between my personal needs which was career and new experiences. Syafiah admitted few times into HSB, undergone few surgeries. In December, I worked again but only a week when she admitted for another shunt revision. After that, I quit.
10) 2009 - This year began with working again with a friend. Again, I needed to choose between career and my precious. It's another shunt revision. The gap between the previous revision was just a month! I quit and I believe that there must be something for me and the rest of us. Alhamdulillah, she's good under my care until now.
I started to change my view about life. That success is not all about money and career. It's about happiness and how to turn adversities into something positive. What is the happiest thing to do in life. What you think is good for you, mustn't good all the way. With trial and turbulence only you can be a better person. Honestly, I feel good about it. It's such a blessed that He sent us this gift. Alhamdulillah.
What I could say about year of 2009 is it is a year of FRIENDSHIP and KNOWLEDGE! We made a lot of new friends. Be it from Ratuhati, Facebook, blogging or any other source of networks. Among some of them, we shared tears, happiness, experiences, hopes, knowledge, information and awareness especially on health and each others' children condition. I'm so glad that I've met such great persons even though we haven't met each other in reality.
And it's indeed a sweet year when at the end of it, I met many long lost friendships too. I've met my school best friend. Though 1 story or 2 was not preferable, such as, few of them have passed away (one was having leukemia & another was having lung cancer), I glad that I found them back.
I just hope this Hijrah and tomorrow comes a standard new year (I might call it ISO new year), will bring me more happiness and miracles. Not only about Syafiah, but our life in general, insyaAllah. And I hope to gain more experiences and seek for more knowledge too.

p.s. : If this blog remains 'untouchable' these few days, meaning we won't be around. We're planning to head north for vacation.
I would give a chance for a review entry. What I can jot down for almost a decade are:
1) 2000 - I was unemployed. My dad fell sick several times.
2) 2001 - I began to work for the 1st time. My dad passed away.
3) 2002 - I got engaged.
4) 2003 - I got married.
5) 2004 - Mastura was born.
6) 2005 - Adam was born.
7) 2006 - Working career was at top. I made up to 2 positions twice per yer.
8) 2007 - I quit working.
9) 2008 - Syafiah was born. A rough year, juggling between my personal needs which was career and new experiences. Syafiah admitted few times into HSB, undergone few surgeries. In December, I worked again but only a week when she admitted for another shunt revision. After that, I quit.
10) 2009 - This year began with working again with a friend. Again, I needed to choose between career and my precious. It's another shunt revision. The gap between the previous revision was just a month! I quit and I believe that there must be something for me and the rest of us. Alhamdulillah, she's good under my care until now.
I started to change my view about life. That success is not all about money and career. It's about happiness and how to turn adversities into something positive. What is the happiest thing to do in life. What you think is good for you, mustn't good all the way. With trial and turbulence only you can be a better person. Honestly, I feel good about it. It's such a blessed that He sent us this gift. Alhamdulillah.
What I could say about year of 2009 is it is a year of FRIENDSHIP and KNOWLEDGE! We made a lot of new friends. Be it from Ratuhati, Facebook, blogging or any other source of networks. Among some of them, we shared tears, happiness, experiences, hopes, knowledge, information and awareness especially on health and each others' children condition. I'm so glad that I've met such great persons even though we haven't met each other in reality.
And it's indeed a sweet year when at the end of it, I met many long lost friendships too. I've met my school best friend. Though 1 story or 2 was not preferable, such as, few of them have passed away (one was having leukemia & another was having lung cancer), I glad that I found them back.
I just hope this Hijrah and tomorrow comes a standard new year (I might call it ISO new year), will bring me more happiness and miracles. Not only about Syafiah, but our life in general, insyaAllah. And I hope to gain more experiences and seek for more knowledge too.
p.s. : If this blog remains 'untouchable' these few days, meaning we won't be around. We're planning to head north for vacation.
selamat tahun baru k sue.
Moga impian menjadi nyata. InsyaAllah.
happy new year kak sue & family!
im glad we 'met' this year & made new friends...very true!
selamat tahun baru buat kak sue sekeluarga...
hope all of us will go tru 2010 in comfort...
Selamat tahun baru kak Sue.. Moga ada sinar untuk anak-anak kita tahun 2010 nanti :) Amin..
selamat bercuti kak sue...
apa2 pun pengorbanan yang kita lakukan, pasti akan ada sesuatu yang lebih baik menggantikannya.. :D
selamat tahun baru!
hepi new year sue!!.. hihi
kak sue, moga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun lepas.. moga semuanya berada dalam rahmat Allah..
I have nominated your blog for a Lemonade Award. See Violet's blog for more detail
for every hardship or misfortune you face in life, always remember there's a silver lining in the clouds...
be and think positive always! cheers!
Thanks, Mirah. Amin.
Seronokkan buat kawan baru.
Lady of Leisure:
Amin.. insyaAllah.
InsyaAllah.. sinar akan terus ada untuk anak² kita. Sememangnya ada misi tertentu untuk mereka.
Ye... akak pun percaya begitu.
Zil-el-saif (The Encik Saif):
Masih belum terlewat untuk ucap Selamat Tahun Baru juga.
Happy new year.
InsyaAllah tahun ini akan jadi lebih baik dari tahun yang lepas.
Have visited Violet's blog but haven't got the chance to blog about it. Thank you very much!
Always think positive. Thanks sis!
InsyaAllah Syafiah membesar dengan sihat. Thanks.
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