Jul 6, 2009

Finally... she laughs with sounds!

Remember this entry? I wrote "I'm waiting for the moment she'll laugh at me!". Dia sangat² susah senyum dan gelak, ok.

As I was surfing and blogging this afternoon, I heard several 'weird' sounds. Eh.. is there something wrong with my daughter? *in my head I hope that it won't be fits/seizures.. bad thought!*

When I checked and looked at her, these are what she's doing (until now.. oh! Dia masih belum berhenti sebab siblings dia masih melayannya):

So unexpected!!! I feel I want to cry now.

Gigi kapak dia yang sebelah kiri tu kangkang sket. Tak tahu sebab apa.

So I called my husband. Luckily, he could hear the sounds for the 1st time too! So nice! I'm so happy today:-
1- because of the flashcards.
2- because she laughs with the nicest sounds I've ever heard in my life (sorry, I couldn't upload the video. My hp is cikai!).
3- because it's Sarah's birthday today... "Happy birthday to you, Sarah. Hope that happiness will be with you always. xoxo".


Yasmin Nabilah.. said...

Alhamdulillah..seronoknya..rasa nak menitik lak air mata nih..sebab teringat Nabila masa mula2 dia ketawa dengan suara sekali..Good Job Kak Sue..nanti klu ada kesempatan amik la video..

a.z.r.i.n.a.03.07 said...

Syukur Alhamdulillah.. bergenang airmata saya Sue..

Anonymous said...

Would have been like music to your ears! How exciting for you both!

Thanks also for my b'day wishes xx

Lady of Leisure said...

Alhamdulillah.. im happy for you kak sue.. :-)

Her laughs must be very soothing to ears kan.. saya tumpang gembira.. :-)

MelissAziezul said...

wahhh...what a great moment...
so adorable...well done sayang...(^_^)

Dalam Dakapan Ibu said...

Dear Sue,
Alhamdulillah.... I know exactly how you feel. The anticipation of something special to happen like a simple laugh by Syafiah... a significant milestone... in my case the word "Ibu". I'm still waiting for both Haziq and Husna to call me that. I've never given up on hope. And I strongly believe that things happen for a reason, since Allah knows best.

You made me cry today... I'm so happy for Syafiah. It's indeed a special day for you and your family today.


Amalina said...

Alhamdulillah. It's ok to cry happy tears, I always shed tears with my dotters new ability, even a small ability. Alhamdulillah, so nice to see Syafiah smiling face. Cubit pipi sikit.

Aboo said...

Sudah bergigi!

Syafiah boleh mula mengigit!

Diver Mom said...

alhamdulillah.. sukanya saya! :) seronok dapat tau syafiah dah boleh gelak2... :)

ala, hp cikai pun, upload je la.. nak tengok! :)

DeLLa said...

kak sue.....sy pon gembira....rasa nk menitik airmata baca entry kak sue....anyway, hari ni dia punya appointment kan?

mirah said...

k sue, saya tumpang gembira..
InsyaAllah syafiah akan terus membesar sihat..
Congrates syafiah..

Jiey^Mien said...

Nikmat sebuah kesabaran..

Sue.Aleen said...

Ha.. camtulah yang jadi kat Syafiah. Ketawa dengan kuat sekali. Nak kena cari kamera betul, bukan kamera dari cellphone ni.

Saya pun masih bergenang air mata ni. Alhamdulillah.

It’s indeed a beautiful sound to my ears.

Lady of Leisure:
Gelak ketawanya sangat² sedap untuk didengari.

Tak puas rasanya tengok gambar saja. Memang wajib cari kamera canggih lepas ni.

Dalam Dakapan Ibu:
Kak Ja,
You’re one tough lady. You’re blessed with superkids, and not just one. Kalo saya jadi akak, saya tak tahulah what would I expect in this life. But still, they both sent to you as miracles. There must be reasons. Mesti akak ada sesuatu yang istimewa pada pandanganNya. Saya juga merasainya.

Kita ni sama² nangis for both occassion, especially good ones. Yang sedih tu sanggup ketepikan perasaan sendiri kan...

Dia cam risau je nak guna gigi² dia tu..

p.s. : Anyway, sorry as I didn’t pick up the phone and return your call.

Hp akak ni masalahnya tak lama bleh capture dia punya video.. tu yang nyampah I tu..

Hari ni appointment dia dengan neuro + occ therapy. Anyway, happy birthday and happy anniversary to you.. wahhh bleh nampak dia senyum sampai ke telinga!

InsyaAllah.. tak sabar nak tahu berat dia hari ni. Kalo dia gi jumpa neuro, kena timbang kat digital scale tu. 18hb ni appointment untuk jab plak. Jab akak wat dengan private la.

Nikmat sebuah kesabaran dan pengorbanan. Tak dapat kat sini, insyaAllah dapat kat sana kan Jiey.. yang penting sentiasa positif!

Lightnur said...

Assalamualaikum Suealeen

Masha Allah Syafiah, it was a great news to hear all the progresses she had made. May Allah make her focus continuously, ameen. That laughs must be a heaven to you. I am sure you must be a proud of her progress although without any of these you are proud of her anyway.

I am happy for you too, Suealeen. Thanks for the update. Insha Allah there are more to come.

Hugs and kisses to Syafiah.

fieza said...

salam akak..seronok bace pkembangan syafiah ni..seronot tgk die suker cam2..beshnye..

Intan mama Ammar said...

i'm so happy for syafiah. teruskan usaha stimulate her brain! aku tumpang happy su.

sya said...

saya membaca sambil tersenyum (atau tersengih kut.. :P) sebab tengok gambar syafiah yang tengah tersengih tu...

macam terdengar2 dia ketawa.. (over! hehehe)

ummuabdullahsyaakir said...

Salam kak,lama tak menjengah blog akk ni,rindu pulak..^_^

Alhmdulillah...syukur...saya pun rsa terharu bila tgk syafiah senyum mcm tu...ada perkembgn baik utk dia.

berkat kesabaran akk sbgai ibu yg Allah bantu..

Puteri Nuur At-Terawis said...


saya juga menangis kak. saya tahu macam mana akak rasa. dan, tak salah kita menangis gembira :) tahniah kak, atas kesabaran dan kesungguhan akak menjaga syafiah, akhirnya Allah reward this beautiful moment. mungkin pada orang lain ianya kecik, tapi sebagai ibu kita rasa cukup puas,kan?

keep it up, kak. hp cikai pun takpe, upload la video tu :)

Sue.Aleen said...


Ryan's family in UK said about the same thing too. When it comes to achievement, he'd show few achievements in a time. However, there's time when he showed there's no progress at all.

Perhaps, Syafiah is listening and learning when she's not progressing. And she showed what she learnt in a time. Wallahu'alam.

Indeed, w/out these I'd still be proud of her.

Tu la sekali tunjuk skill, banyak pulak yang dia tunjukkan.

Intan mama Ammar:
Kekadang mai angin malas gak, Intan. Santai² dari menjadi ibu istimewa. Tapi bukan bermakna aku jemu..

Exactly what I'm doing when I'm looking at these photos. Kira sya tak over la tu..

Mesti ada sebab dan hikmah yang tidak akak ketahui dengan kehadiran Syafiah ni. Tiada perkembangan pun syukur, ada perkembangan apatah lagi.

Kecik pada pandangan orang lain, tapi besar pada pandangan kita kannn... HP akak ni bukan apa.. dia record kejap sangat untuk video. Buat tak puas tengok je... Memang nak kena cari kamera yang proper jugak..


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