Suka tengok pandangan matanya dalam gambar ni.
1- My husband and I always call her Kak Teh. Reasons - because she is PUTIH and she is the number 3rd. Kak? Hahaha.. harapan untuk ada adik lagi la tu.
2- She could pull out her HO. So how am I going to put it again on her hand?
3- There's a day, she was overslept. She didn't fell asleep during the day (play, terajang², hentak² mainan, etc.). Came the night she was very cranky. I guess she had a headache. After consuming a bottle of milk, I began to pat on her rear. She whimpered several times until she fell asleep. Reason she couldn't sleep that whole day was she was so sensitive towards the sounds and the lights. Her siblings were making a lot of noises.
And I have no choice but to do this:
4- She has this attitude of when I'm far, she'd make noise, sounds like she was calling me. Whenever I'm near, she'll be quiet or sometimes she'll smile or giggle. Pastu ajak main. Malam ni je 'gelak tanpa bunyi' je kerja dia. Pastu kaki dua² belah angkat tinggi² sambil sepak², dengan tangan pun aktif benar bergeraknya. Usually she'll doze off early, but last night it's a bit late due to the nap she had around 7pm - 10pm.
5- She could roll over to the right side (it's left before) and she could lift her butt easily.
6- If she's exhausted or refused to play (for example, we tickle her), she'd quickly turn herself to the left. Macam nak bagitahu.. tak nak la... saya penat ni.. aahhhhh!

p/s : She'll have a 3-months-basis appointment with neuro this coming 07/07/09.
2- She could pull out her HO. So how am I going to put it again on her hand?
3- There's a day, she was overslept. She didn't fell asleep during the day (play, terajang², hentak² mainan, etc.). Came the night she was very cranky. I guess she had a headache. After consuming a bottle of milk, I began to pat on her rear. She whimpered several times until she fell asleep. Reason she couldn't sleep that whole day was she was so sensitive towards the sounds and the lights. Her siblings were making a lot of noises.
And I have no choice but to do this:
Don't disturb me! Leave me alone... Kalau tak buat camni alamat susah la dia nak tido. Dah pandai demand dah sekarang ni. Lambat sikit pun dah pandai merengek!
4- She has this attitude of when I'm far, she'd make noise, sounds like she was calling me. Whenever I'm near, she'll be quiet or sometimes she'll smile or giggle. Pastu ajak main. Malam ni je 'gelak tanpa bunyi' je kerja dia. Pastu kaki dua² belah angkat tinggi² sambil sepak², dengan tangan pun aktif benar bergeraknya. Usually she'll doze off early, but last night it's a bit late due to the nap she had around 7pm - 10pm.
5- She could roll over to the right side (it's left before) and she could lift her butt easily.
6- If she's exhausted or refused to play (for example, we tickle her), she'd quickly turn herself to the left. Macam nak bagitahu.. tak nak la... saya penat ni.. aahhhhh!
p/s : She'll have a 3-months-basis appointment with neuro this coming 07/07/09.
syafiah comel, moga terus sihat ya.
Mpga ada rezeki kita nak jumpa nnt nih. Wah saya harap dapat jumpa k sue, tp tak tahulah kalau perancangan akhir bgaimana kan. Saya ada dua komitmen hujung minggu ini, ibubapa mertua & family datang utk hntr adik ke uitm sabtu, pastu ayah saudara dgn keluarga juga dtg nak hntr sepupu saya/ anak dia dftar Um ahad tu. pening kami dok adjust jadual, last resort sebab tak dapat kata akhir, maka ianya bergantung kpd keadaan semasa nnt.
Tp saya harap dpt slot in jumpa k sue kejap sabtu nih..insyaAllah.
comelnye syafiah..putih sgt..pakai baju merah lagi teserlah..
Hehehe..kalo bising xleh tido eh sayang??xperlaa..ttp pakai bntal tido lena2 yer..
Masha Allah she is so adorable..
Thanks for the update. Please keep updating.
Hugs and kisses
the way she sleep with the pillow on top.... haha! Really really makes my monday blues goes away!
syafiah comel...big hug & lots of kisses from auntie yek...semoga sht selalu...next coming appointment syafiah is on my 28th besday and wedding anniversary...semoga tarikh itu memberi rahmat kpd kita semua...
Aku ada adik perempuan yg sangat putih, kami pun panggil dia Teh. Lekat sampai la ni.
warm hugs and kisses for Syafiah..
Mirah, maaf bebanyak akak tak dapat jumpa. Hari Jumaat nak kena balik kg hubby dah. Ada walimah ari Sabtu. Silap hb malam tu pun ada majlis, entah sempat ke idak nak ke rumah toklang tu. Hari Ahad tu dah sah la akak tak pi gath Sarakids. Mana sempat. Mesti ada je programnye kalo dah balik kg tu.
Perangai tutup bantal atas muka ni sebiji cam perangai mak dia masa bujang² dulu.
InsyaAllah.. will update as much as I can about her. Tapi itulah.. kena tunggu satu² achievement tu terjadi. Small for others but not for us right.
That’s good.. shoo shoo.. Monday blues!
Wahhh… kena tick dalam calendar ni! Thanks for the prayer and ameen.
intan mama ammar:
Gelaran ni mengingatkan aku pada beberapa orang kg panggil aku dengan gelaran serupa – Teh. Padahal masa tu aku gelap. Berkat kot doa depa? Takyah masuk bilik air gosok lelama cam adik ipar aku la kalo camtu.
Lady of Leisure:
Muahhhhsss.. hugging Syafiah on behalf of Auntie Lady of Leisure...
Salam sayang buat syafiah..moga syafiah terus sht dan ceria..amiinn..
cik syafiah manis.. ni kalo masuk cutest baby in red contest ni sure menang nih.. =)
Syafiah..moga terus membesar sihat, progessing well and jadi anak yg solehah ok..
p/s: tak dpt nak komen panjang..anak dah teriak..dah pukui 1.40am ni...esok keja..huaarrrghhh
sama cam auntienye panggilan smpai skang ni (kakteh & makteh)... i'm touch n impress sue..
Kerikil Kehidupan:
Ameennnn.. tq doakan untuk Syafiah.
Tapi cik Syafiah tak masuklah.. sebab memang dia dah menang.. hehe
Amboi.. awat yang SI tu tak tidoq lagi? Burung hantu sungguh la mata dia tu..
Perkembangan yang biasa² saja.. moga ada perkembangan lebih besar lepas ni, insyaAllah.
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